Monday, April 02, 2007

2WW meltdown?

It's early morning of day 10 past 2 day transfer and it's like the clock has rolled back to last November. That was when I lost at my last go at this delightful game of "hold your nerve and retain some optimism as your body plays vile tricks with your mind".

Yesterday, on the same day as last time, the cramps began. Period like pains - that last time I vainly hoped were those embryos nestling down - started to appear. They've increased over the last 24 hours and what's a girl to think, other than "here we go again"...

Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!

I had a full sobbing meltdown last night after trying desperately to see the pains in a positive light - what positive light can there be?! - and feel similarly depressed this morning. I was doing so darn well.

But - and I almost feel foolish in clinging onto this raft of hope - it's not all over until the spotting begins. Thus far, no show, but if we're playing the "just like last time" routine, that should happen tomorrow morning.

In the meantime, i shall distract myself with work and some baking.

Watch this space...I shall be watching my knickers...i'm sure you'll be gagging to find out how Knickerwatch, the sequel ends



Baby Blues said...

Oh Portia! I hear you. I'll be going through obsessive-panty-checking too. I think the wait is worse than the actual result. Just a few days to go...

Becks said...

So hoping this story has a good ending for you.

Knock Me Up said...

Portia: I feel the same way. I'm 8dp3dt and I'm having some cramps off and on. Of course, I've been having them since the beginning so I just don't know--I just don't know. I'm going to try to wait until the lady sings the blues before I give it up but oh dear is it hard. Try to hold on. I'll be waiting with you for news on the panty peeking progress and wishing so much that we are all wrong and only good news is waiting for us.

Rachel said...

I'm hoping for you. Two out of the three times I've been pregnant, I felt af like cramps. (Granted, you don't want your pregnancies to end like mine, but I still take cramps as a possibly positive sign.) Hold on. Would you feel better or worse of you did take a hpt? Thinking of you.