Monday, July 16, 2007

Halfway, but don't get your hopes up

It's not looking good.

For both my previous cycles the arrival of spotting and a full on period were preceded by obvoius boob shrinkage and total lack of breast tenderness - even when prodded hard to make sure. There was also a nagging pain in my lower back and some tummy cramps as well as the end of the (unwanted to sort of comforting) prog.esterone-caused constipation. By Day 10/12 it was all over.

Well, let's run through the sympton list:

Shrinking and less tender b.osoms ? Check (and i'm prodding them (discretely) at regular intervals)
Lower back ache? Check.
Periody like tummy cramps? Check
Con.stipation gone? Check
Cycle 3 going down in flames? Check, Check, Flippin' Check.

I'm hanging on to some flimsy shred of hope that it's so early - day7p2dt - that maybe the lower back pain is a pg thing, but I think not.

I've wasted much of this morning reading blogs and obsessing over this, but the best thing I can do is get on with my work and let Mother Nature take her course....

I almost didn't post this because i'm sure you'll all tell me it's way too early to be giving up and that the good old fat lady (who after this cycle is probably me) hasn't sung yet. But you sort of know these things if you're honest doncha girls?

Mr G and I wlll have to decide what to do next. I think our gorgeous Dr Big Hair's time is up. We'll have to move on to pastures (and stirrups) new. A whole new fleet of nurses and doctors to mess around with my bits and give us new ideas on how to get this baby we want.

I really do hope i'm wrong, but....what more can I say? I'm not sure I believe this stuff will ever work for us.



Leah said...

I'm sorry it seems to be a bust. I'll still have my fingers crossed anyway, because, as you said, it ain't over until the fat AF lady sings.

I'll keep hoping for you. Sending lots of (hugs) your way.

The Mama said...

We are still praying for you and hope that this is the right time for your miracle.

Keep your chin up...

Becks said...

I am dashing out of the door to get my flight but just wanted to say I hope I come back to some good news from you x

JJ said...

Hope is still here for you....thinking of you dear...

One View said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you think this hasn't worked. But its true, its not over until AF shows up. Hang in there and I hope your intuition is wrong.

Knock Me Up said...

I don't know what to say. I won't tell you it is too soon to give up. I will hope you are wrong :) though. This is so hard. I'm only 3dp3dt and I'm already having periodic freak-outs so I know where you are. Take care.

I love being a Mom said...


I think the pain is due to your embies burrowing in on day 7. So stay calm and positive. I hope you are wrong and I have everything crossed for you.

Thalia said...

I don't have much to say about boob soreness etc., except that it's never meant a damn thing for me. The constipation is related to the anaesthetic from ET, so not a good signal of pregnancy. The one symptom of period pain,this early, is actually a pregnancy sign for me. If it was really period pain you wouldn't be getting it fora few days now. Perfect day for implantation cramps, day 7. Hang in there.

Baby Blues said...

I'm holding on to hope for you. I'm also doubtful with my cycle but as you said "it's all about miracles". And I believe in miracles.